The Other Side | Lenny Kravitz |

The Other Side

Testo The Other Side

Where do I live
Where is my wife?
I am alone
What‘s life worth living for?

Where am I going and what am I looking towards?
Where are my kids having their fights?
Calling my name so I can kiss their sores

I‘m just a man on the run
It‘s a fucking bore
So father can you tell me again
Father can you tell me again
That I‘m livin‘
‘Til I meet you on that day
On the other side

I‘m internationally known
With platinum and gold
I‘ve got millions sold
But after the party, I‘m left standing in the cold
I would like to be a simple man
I‘d buy me a farm and live off the land
Could a wife and some children be better than being in band?

So father can you tell me again
Father can you tell me again that I‘m livin‘
‘Til I meet you on that day on the other side

On the other side

So father can you tell me again
Father can you tell me again that I‘m livin‘
‘Til I meet you on that day on the other side

On the other side

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